Tuesday, November 04, 2008

It Appears To Be True
America Is Communist

Ronald Reagan presided over the shining city on a hill less than a generation ago. He left office in 1988 with communism on the wane and our nation's economy roaring, and it kept roaring right up through the Internet boom. His efforts nearly ended communism throughout the world, and did end the Soviet Union. We were back to being the greatest nation on earth after a horrible period of socialism from President Johnson's Great Society through Carter's Hate America Now revulsion.

Now, however, due to a gutless nation's disgust with the cost of the war to fight Islamo-fascism, a war we did not start and that we must not lose, America has turned to a racist Marxist to rule this greatest nation on earth. We have now adopted the same failed economic philosophy that Eastern Europe rejected after it destroyed them, and which we rejected after its failure under Carter. Though it has failed everywhere it has been tried, our me-me-me generation of greed has decided to vote themselves a middle class life of ease and opulence through the same failed redistribution of wealth myth that has always ended in disaster. We have empowered the most liberal and most inexperienced Senator in history to preside over a nation at war and seek this unattainable utopia.

Everything that Reagan worked for and fought for has been lost. No, not lost. Thrown away by a people too focused on personal greed to understand what they are giving up. Abandoning personal liberty is the cost.

The Magic Marxist Messiah talks with hypocrisy about uniting the country while he simultaneously advocates the most partisan and tyrannical program ever proposed to tear our economy to shreds. It is a program of class warfare and hate mongering. He slyly gives the finger to his opposition and then insists it was not intended. No more duplicitous and contemptible man has ever been elected to the office of President.

This night, I hang my head in shame at the insanity of the American people ... and I cry.


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