Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Will Americans Really Vote To “Fundamentally Transform” America?

by Dennis Prager - November 4th, 2008 - Creators Syndicate

Today, Americans decide on whether, in the words of Barack Obama last week, to “fundamentally transform the United States of America.”

That is really what this election is about, even though most of those voting for Barack Obama do not want to fundamentally transform America. That is Barack Obama's and the Democratic Party's agenda.

Why then are so many people likely to vote for the U.S. senator from Illinois?

Dennis Prager explains why so many who really don't want to "fundamentally transform" America are still voting to do so. At least one compelling problem is that a corrupt and politicized school system has spent the last two generations denigrating our nation. Today there are a large majority who are simply too ignorant to know what they are throwing away.

Though I believe it will be closer than the communist press has predicted, I am afraid that any honest assessment of the politics will make it clear that today America turns its back on liberty, and voluntarily votes to institute a communist tyranny.

When even Bill Gates and Warren Buffett choose tyranny over freedom, it is clear our nation has lost its way.

In addition to this prediction for today's outcome, I predict a few other things will happen in the short term future if Obama wins.

1. Freedom of speech will be replaced by a government monitored "fairness doctrine", which under the control of bureaucrats will end talk radio and Internet freedom, whose current bias is in favor of those who want government to leave them alone. The communist conspiracy of Barack Obama will not tolerate such open dissent and tyranny shall prevail.

2. Secret Union ballots will be replaced. Union votes will be dominated by public coercion and intimidation. Thugs will threaten and browbeat anyone who dissents from accepting the union and the slow deterioration in unions will be reversed by tyranny.

3. The defense budget will be, as it was under Clinton, seriously reduced at a time of unprecedented danger. There are three movements who are dedicated to the destruction of America. These are the Islamo-fascists, the global socialists and the Hispanic economic invaders. All will be welcomed to our shores for the purpose of subverting our culture and our economy. Barack Obama has already promised to use government tyranny to vastly increase the amount of foreign aid taken from our taxpayers and sent directly to those who hate us.

4. Taxes will be dramatically increased, probably reaching the levels during the Carter administration when 80% was the level of taxation on even the middle class, when you add up federal, state and local taxes. To think this tyranny will be reserved for the rich is the greatest delusion in the history of mankind.

5. Barack Obama will form a private Presidential police force, what he calls a Civilian National Security Force, funded as well as the military but without the Posse Comitatus restriction that prohibits our military from acting inside our borders. Such a force will back with tyrannical efficiency, like the goons under Janet Reno who returned Cuban child Elian Gonzalez to the communist dictator Fidel Castro, the power of any dictator. Its implementation will lead inexorably to the end of democracy in America.

Dennis Prager does not think most people who vote for Barack Obama really want to fundamentally transform America. Prager explains why he thinks so many are voting for this without really being aware of the consequences. I truly do not care why they are voting for this evil tyranny. Everyone who votes for Obama will deserve what they get. I am simply sad that so many good people will have their lives destroyed because so many are so stupid. A vote for Obama is a vote for evil.

I hope and pray that I am wrong. I hope and pray that the huge number of registered Republicans who usually sit home will find the energy to go vote, in fear of what they have to lose if not from love of the nation that has given them so much. We will know by tomorrow whether the outcome is the end of a great nation, or one last chance.


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