Thursday, November 06, 2008

The Great Global Warming Swindle

by Jamie Glazov - November 4th, 2008 - Front Page Magazine

Temperature has risen, slightly, falteringly and gradually for about 150 years or so (even ‘warmer’ scientists can’t claim that this started because of us). The period before this rise has long been known as a ‘Little Ice Age’, from which we are evidently making a welcome recovery. We only started pumping out CO2 properly in the postwar boom, but what did temperatures do? In the postwar period they fell, till about the mid-70s. Then they went up again (just like they did at the beginning of the 20th Century, and then for the past ten years they’ve more or less flat-lined, decreasing slightly. Where is the evidence that humans are changing the climate? This is nothing but prejudice. It is not serious science.

Man is not causing global warming. CO2 is not a greenhouse gas. I thought that we ought to post this reality one last time before the Obama Truth Police silence our voices. This is one truth that will surely cease to exist. Obama is one of the idiots too stupid to understand this simple truth. He has announced that he will institute a carbon trading scheme with the sole purpose of bankrupting anyone who actually provides our nation with cheap energy. Within one day of his election Obama is floating the prospect of a Climate Czar to ram through his agenda.

The extreme environmental movement, part of the new communist coalition that put Obama into power, demands payback for their support and this is clearly the first step in Obama's answer. Coal is dead. Oil is dead. Natural gas is dead. Nuclear is dead. You will be taxed and made to convert to wind and solar and wave power in the next great Stalin Five Year Plan ... oops I meant Obama Five Year Plan. Obama has already committed to creating his own KGB to make sure you don't disobey.

Another article that expands on this theme of ending freedom in the name of extreme environmentalism is called We Cannot Worship Nature and Remain Free. Its summation is as follows:

When I heard Barack Obama promise to bankrupt the coal industry I did not hear a man at war with coal -- I heard a man at war with man. His harsh words for the coal industry sprang from his near deification of nature and his subsequent willingness to sacrifice not only our livelihoods in the name of “environmental responsibility” but our freedom as well.

This uncompromising hatred for mankind and rationality is frightening.


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