Thursday, November 06, 2008

Teaching "Social Justice" In Schools

by Phyllis Schlafly - November 4th, 2008 -

"Social-justice" lessons highlight past mistakes in U.S. history rather than our accomplishments and opportunities. Emphasizing problems and injustices rather than achievements is given the highfalutin label "critical pedagogy."

David Horowitz of the California-based David Horowitz Freedom Center says that social-justice teaching is "shorthand for opposition to American traditions of individual justice and free-market economics." He says it teaches students that "American society is an inherently 'oppressive' society that is 'systemically' racist, 'sexist' and 'classist' and thus discriminates institutionally against women, nonwhites, working Americans and the poor."

Like the lies over energy that will be a dominate theme of the new communist coalition just elected, subversion of our schools is destined to accelerate also. The only real job that the Magic Marxist Messiah has ever had was Chairman of a foundation to foster this evil attack on American History and truth. In my discussions with people during my campaign for congress, the greatest frustration I had was finding out that almost none of the voters had even heard about this subversive campaign. Even fewer really understood the consequences.

A working majority of our public school's teachers feel empowered to accelerate the brain washing program to tell your children what an evil nation they live in. With the election of Obama, useful school reform is dead.

The same ignorant youth who chose communism over liberty are about to be joined by another generation brainwashed to believe anything negative anyone says about our nation.


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