Sunday, November 09, 2008

We Blew It

by P.J. O'Rourke - November 17th, 2008 (Publication Date) - The Weekly Standard

The South Side of Chicago is what everyplace in America will be once the Democratic administration and filibuster-resistant Democratic Congress have tackled global warming, sustainability, green alternatives to coal and oil, subprime mortgage foreclosures, consumer protection, business oversight, financial regulation, health care reform, taxes on the "rich," and urban sprawl. The Democrats will have plenty of time to do all this because conservatism, if it is ever reborn, will not come again in the lifetime of anyone old enough to be rounded up by ACORN and shipped to the polling booths.

P.J. O'Rourke is a witty fellow and a great writer. This is one of his best articles ever, even though it rips the conservative movement. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. It is sad though that the last sentence in the quote above is true. Conservatism is dead for now.

Conservatives, or at least people who claimed to be conservatives, have destroyed our nation and turned it in to a communist nation. Our citizens actually voted in the majority to put a racist Marxist anti-American red diaper baby raised, half African, half left wing radical into the most powerful office on earth. To assure the Marxist will have total power to destroy our nation, we put congress and the courts under the control of socialists as well. Those votes were a direct result of conservatives violating their own philosophies and ruling as big government fascists for the last 8 years.

Where was the concern for freedom of our founding fathers? Where was the concern for individual free will of our God? Where was the concern for competition between providers that is the heart of free enterprise? When did capitalism become the bastion of a Wall Street focused on government handouts, mergers and acquisitions ... which fattened the pockets of people who could not run a business if their lives depended on it?

Someone who knows history better than I recently pointed out that on six occasions in the last 150 years Wall Street has trotted out the collateralized mortgage con that has just failed. All six times it failed. Oops. How in the world did conservatives, supposedly people who recognize the necessity of paying attention to history, allow this scam to go forward and not point out the stupidity? I know that George W. Bush is an inarticulate retard but isn't there a single conservative who could say, "It failed six times before, everyone who thinks it will work this time raise your hands?" Actually I guess a couple did and most conservatives raised their hands along with the liberals.

As P.J. points out we were way too busy insisting that we needed to criminalize personal sin. The war on drugs wasn't a war to protect our kids as we proclaimed, it was a war to incarcerate black men for daring to smoke crack while they lived in OUR country. The war against abortion was not to reduce the killing of children, it was a war to make everyone agree to our newly invented idea that "life" begins at conception ... and though under that concept God destroys 75% of the souls created (Does anyone really believe that a sane God would destroy 75% of the souls created?), no woman can do anything to interfere with pregnancy but stop having sex. Otherwise she and her doctor must be put in jail.

It is going to take a while, but conservatives and libertarians need to start thinking about what they really believe, especially about freedom and government minding its own business. We need to do a little yelling at each other. We need to talk about where we draw the line to limit government interfering in our lives as well as the lives of our neighbors. Then and only then are we likely to ever again be a political power in this nation. Perhaps by then we will be reaching the cycle in history that usually occurs. That point when Thomas Jefferson noted, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

Democracy always deteriorates into tyranny, then dictatorship, then a revolution occurs and freedom returns. It always takes blood in the streets. Too many Americans thought that cycle had ended. The election of both George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama says it has not. We are well on our way to tyranny.


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