Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remember 9/11

Remember Pearl Harbor.

Remember the Main.

Remember the Alamo.

Remember Fort Sumter.

Remember Lexington (the midnight ride of Paul Revere), or the Boston Massacre, or several other famous events that led to our becoming a nation.

Remember . . .

These cliches all had one thing in common. They created a simple view of complex situations which rallied our nation into a commitment to total war for a great cause.

However what else is war but a complex situation that must not be allowed to confuse and eviscerate commitment? There was a time when people recognized the amazing superiority of our culture and society. Today it is so superior that people, even people who live here, are starting to resent us. That resentment is allowing our enemies, even our internal enemies, to confuse and obfuscate what is at stake. We have a large number of people on the left who care more for the evil of socialism than they care for the proven greatness of our culture.

Paul Revere is no longer held up as a great symbol of our nation. I have linked the title above to a brief summary of his history that reminds those of us who love America of why he once stood as a great symbol. However those on the left are tearing down all of our symbols and denoucing anything that glorifies the character that once made us proud. We are told we cannot be proud any longer. I reject that premise.

Here is a link to a great editorial that was published on 9/12. I think it will help us to remember.

Or here is a picture that reminds us of what finally brought us together for a while. Do you remember?

Can we regain that unity of 9/12 and the immediate aftermath of 9/11? Is the hatred of the left so palbable that they cannot see anything that will allow them to support our nation? We really are a great nation and pride should be easy.

God bless America.

Remember 9/11!


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