High Scores Fail to Clear Obstacles to KIPP Growth
Program Has Struggled to Find Space for Expansion
By Jay Mathews - Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - Washington Post
It is a crucial moment for one of the most closely watched educational models, the Knowledge Is Power Program, a way of teaching fifth- through eighth-graders that has produced some of the best math and reading scores in low-income neighborhoods across the country. Despite its impressive record, administrators and policymakers are responding slowly to KIPP's desire for more space and support.
This is an excellent article that talks about the continuing and ongoing resistance to educational reform all across the nation. The NEA and the education establishment do everything in their power to delay and frustrate parents desires for education reform. No matter how successful a program, even one as successful as the program mentioned in this article, everything that can be done to stop progress is attempted by the existing school power structure.