Today the Senator Fred Smith 100 County BBQ Tour for his Campaign for Governor came to Greene County, a rapidly growing community which is moving from heavy farm country to bedroom community for 4 cities surrounding it.
Bill Fields and
Joe Humphiries (shown above) are finished setting up the room and ready for people to start arriving.
A good crowd shows up as the momentum of Senator Smith's campaign is starting to spread the word and more and more people are coming out for these events.
Carolyn Newcombe acted as Master of Ceremonies,
Drew Barrow led the invocation and
Deidre Jersey (shown above) sang the National Anthem.
After everyone had eaten the free BBQ, Stephen LaRoque, former State Representative for this area, gave the introduction for Fred, which was followed by playing the standard video about Fred.
The Video always ends with the playing of the Lee Greenwood written campaign song. Click here to listen to what is a really great campaign song.
Fred gave his usual campaign speech, in which he talks about why he is going to all the effort to visit all 100 counties in North Carolina at least once each during this primary campaign. He tells about gowing up in the Methodist Orphanage in Raleigh, and the struggles in business which ultimately were rewarded by success.
Senator Fred Smith spoke of his love for our State of North Carolina, and his belief that government is out of touch with what the majority of people want. He talked about the things that make us great and the things that help us enjoy the freedom of our great nation America. These talks are always a great dialogue. Though I have seen Fred make a powerful speech in a more formal environment, these talks are always low key, personal and sincere. It is part of what makes them such a great connection between Fred and the people who come out.
When he finishes his speech there are always a great number of people who want Fred to autograph his biography for them.
Fred really lives the theme of his autobiography, "The difference between good and great is a little extra effort." The Greene County stop on the Fred Smith Statewide BBQ Tour was a resounding success thanks to all the great people who came out.